
Morrison-Q Virtual Gatherings

Monday February 3, 2025 at 8:30 pm Eastern Time
Thursday March 6, 2025 at 8:30 pm Eastern Time
Sunday April 6, 2025 at 8:30 pm Eastern Time

Members must be logged in for more information

Morrison-Q Veterans Project

Are you a member of our Morrison Family? If so, or desire to investigate the possibility, please consider joining this site.  There is no cost to join – we just ask for your name, email address, and a record of your ancestral line back to your furthest Morrison ancestor.  The purpose for this request is twofold.  First, it adds legitimacy to the registering process, thus greatly reducing the occurrence of SPAM on our site.  The second reason is to encourage networking among members of our Morrison Family for the purpose of sharing genealogical information as well as the enjoying of fellowship among kin.  Your information will only be seen by others who register as members.

Current research assumes our family originated in Scotland and migrated to Northern Ireland for at least one generation.  Around 1730, James Morrison Sr and his four sons (James Jr, William, Andrew and Thomas) immigrated to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,  in an area that is now Dauphin County (Paxton and Derry).  Thomas died in Pennsylvania around 1747.  We assume James Sr died in Pennsylvania some time before the brothers traveled to North Carolina.  Around 1750, the remaining brothers and Thomas’ children migrated down the old wagon Road to Rowan County, North Carolina in an area that is now the western part of Iredell County (Loray and Scotts).  Descendants of the four brothers settled in and around Iredell County, while many eventually moved to other parts of the country and beyond.  Our branch of the Morrison family has been identified as Group Q in the Morrison Y-DNA Project.

We are blessed to have several experienced genealogists in our family who are members of this group.  They keep an eye on the ancestral lines of new members as well as the threads of our discussion group, to advise and offer comments. Members should welcome any suggestions and comments they receive, and feel free to raise questions themselves via our discussion group.

To eliminate the annoyance of SPAM, this site is not maintained as a traditional blog.  To submit an item for inclusion on our WEB Site please initiate contact via our Contact page.  Suggestions, comments, and questions are also welcome.


Coit R. Morrison

 The background of this WEB page displays the red Clan Morrison tartan