Morrison-Q Gathering – 2018

This year’s annual gathering was held at the Mountain Lake Ranch in Dandridge, TN for the second time. It was nice to take a step back from our busy schedules and spend time with our Morrison-Q cousins. It was very exciting to see a few new faces among the familiar ones. Stephanie Hayden traveled from Kansas, and Sandra Morrison Dowell traveled from Kentucky. Barbara Ross volunteered to welcome the newcomers.

A common theme was evident in the presentations as we were drawn together with the invisible thread of our ancestry. Tom Akers suggested we follow the nudge of the “invisible hand” when we are doing our research. John Morrison encouraged us to transcribe our research and thoughts to preserve our heritage for current and future family members. Both shared the books they are working on. Jim Morrison discussed the many occupations that have been held by Morrison-Q relatives, and he also displayed pictures of Morrison-Q family members who have served in various branches of the military services. Catherine Morrison and Rene Bryson presented ways to preserve your family collections. Coit thanked Morrison-Q for all they have accomplished and discussed future goals for the group. Milton and Catherine Morrison invited Greg and Stacy Johnson from Morristown, TN to attended Rene’s presentation on DNA Painter.

Food was abundant, and conversation abounded. We enjoyed the taco salad made by Catherine Morrison and the breakfast casserole made by Jolette Morrison. Dot Barnum shared a delicious cake she baked, and Barbara Ross made candy haystacks for all to enjoy. Terry Bryson took pictures to capture our time of fun and fellowship! Bonds were strengthened, reminding us how important family really is.

We missed all the members who could not attend this year. However, it is not too early to start making plans for the 2019 Morrison Gathering. You don’t want to miss it!

Next years 2019 Gathering will be in the same location on August 8-11 (Thu – Sun)

Front: Terry Bryson, Rene Bryson, Milton Morrison, Catherine Morrison, Stephanie Hayden, Dot Barnum, John Morrison, Jolette Morrison, Tom Akers, Barbara Ross      Back: Coit Morrison, Jim Morrison, Sandy Dowell

Words from a first time attender

I attended the July gathering of Morrison Q in Dandridge, TN for the first time this year. What a wonderful gathering it was! I went anticipating meeting some distant cousins, and learning a little more about my early Morrison family. But, I went home with a dozen friends! The presentations were all very good! The topics were relevant and interesting, which made the time seem to fly by. We shared good meals and warm conversation between presentations. I left wishing it could go on longer and looking forward to next years gathering! (Sandy Dowel – Q0087)

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