Morrison-Q Veterans Project

As this year marks the 75th year of V-E (Victory in Europe) Day and the end of WW II, I decided that I wanted a way to honor those brave men and women who served in the armed forces. I have been researching my line of Morrison’s for 40 years now and have been able to identify over 500 individuals with the last name of Morrison that have served in the armed forces starting with the Revolutionary War up to and beyond the Vietnam War. All 500 plus can be traced back to the 4 original brothers that is the starting place for this website of Morrison-Q. Now is the time to honor these heroes, and so I am trying to put a book together to do just that.

Although I would have loved to have included all known descendants from these 4 brothers that had served, my focus was mainly on those with the last name of Morrison, since I am a Morrison. And so once a female Morrison married, I usually did not carry down that line to the present. And to have included all descendants from the 4 brothers that have served, instead of 500 individuals it might be 5,000 or more. Maybe sometime in the future I can do an addendum to include those individuals.

To those of you who saw my first email and sent me information and photos of your Morrison Veterans, thank you so much. For anyone else wishing to contribute here is what I am looking for;

Name of the individual Morrison, what branch of service he or she was in, the dates of service- enlistment and discharge, where they served, was it stateside or overseas, or both. A photo of the person in their uniform, and any stories they might have shared about their time in service.

I have already have been able to gather some information from websites like findagrave, Ancestry, familysearch, and fold3, but the photos and stories is what I am really hoping to include. Finally if the Morrison Veteran is still living I will not include anything like their birth date, parents names, as to preserve their privacy. And don’t worry if the person served during peacetime, as I am including all known Morrison’s that served regardless of when or where.

So lets give our heroes a place where they can be remembered for future generations. So they can read about their father, grandfather, G-Grandfather
etc. that helped in keeping this great nation free and that freedoms they now enjoy, has sometimes comes at the ultimate cost.

You can contact me by the email below. Thank you.

James Morrison Q-12

About James W Morrison

I descend from the line of Immigrant Brother Andrew Morrison (1718-1770). I live in a small town in central Illinois. A simple question I posed to my father in 1981; “who were you named after?” “And his response was I don’t know, my parents never talked about family”, has led me on a 30+ year journey down a very long path to not only discovering who my ancestors were but has also has given meaning to who I am as a person. Although I descend from Brother Andrew, I work on all four brother lines; will gladly help anyone trying to discover their ancestors. My second passion is painting in oils.
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