FAQ – Explanation: Patrick Morrison, two men confused as one.

For many years now there has been a question about Patrick Morrison, son of William Morrison 1704-1771. Was he married twice, the first wife being an Elizabeth Schmidt/Smith and second wife Ann Foster, or was there two separate individuals named Patrick Morrison whom each married the above woman named above?   We believe we have a strong case for the latter and would like to present my evidence for discussion.

First, there is a paper that comes from Roane County, TN,  from a collection of loose papers probably written about 1900 or before.  It is unknown why it was among the loose papers.


Contributed by Robert Bailey

“Patrick Morrison and his brother James Morrison came from Tuckahoe Scotland and settled in Virginia. They were accompanied by a cousin George. All three of these fought in the Revolutionary War and are known to participate in the battle of Kings Mountain. Their cousin George was killed in the fight, but they both came through safely. Tradition remarked that if his hat would have held them, that he could have raised his hat and gathered it full of bullets as they charged up the Mountain side. The British were aiming to high.

Patrick had four sons, James, David, John and William.
James and David married sisters named Barnard, and each settled in Hawkins Co., TN. James’ sons were John, James, David and William.”

The paper goes on to mention David Morrison, son of Patrick raised his family in Hawkins Co., TN and then removed to Indiana. John Morrison son of Patrick, removed to Alabama. William, son of Patrick removed to Middle Tennessee. Names of his descendants unknown.


If we take the material in the above paper literally, there is no mention of This Patrick Morrison ever living in North Carolina, likewise the Patrick Morrison who married Ann Foster (9th Aug 1768, Rowan County, NC marriage bond) ever living in Virginia. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t, it just means nothing has surfaced to think that they did.

The next bit of evidence we have is found in the index of Rev. War Pension Applications. “James, Pension # S2869, VA line Sol lived in Pittsylvania Co., VA at enlistment, application 27 Aug 1832 Hawkins Co., TN aged 74. A son, James Morrison made aff’dt 2 Apr 1855 in Hawkins Co., TN & stated sol d 3 Mar 1842 leaving no widow but left children; John, Anna, David, Polly, Betsy, Nelly, William, Jane, Rhoda & Rachel & all were still living in 1855.

According to the above info if this James was 74 in 1832, he would have been born in 1758. According to info supplied by Judy Russell of Hot Springs, AK, this James would have been the one who married Mary “Polly” Barnard, and be the son of Patrick Morrison from Tuckahoe in Scotland, and settled in Virginia.

In the Morrison Y-DNA Project (http://www.geneticousins.com/morrison) Subgroup H2 Tennessee: M220 (100154) Patrick Morrison (b. ca. 1727) Scotland; d. 1833 Wilson Co., Tennessee. Son James Morrison b. ca. 1758 Pittsylvania Co., Virginia; d. 1842 Hawkins Co, TN.  So, M220 (100154) of Group H has tested their DNA and their Patrick Morrison who had a son James that was b in Pittsylvania Co., VA.  That Patrick is obviously a different Patrick than the Patrick Morrison, son of William Morrison of Group Q.

We believe researchers have mixed these two Patrick Morrison’s up over the years, and combined or merged facts from two separate individuals into one.

The Patrick Morrison, son of William left a will in Wilson Co., TN dated 5 July 1810 in which he names his children; James and Joseph, and other children attributed to this Patrick were Hugh, William, Margaret, Mary, John & Andrew, 8 in all.

This Patrick has a Revolutionary War Pension Application #R7415.  The following is a transcribed copy from the original;


Declaration Act July 4, 1836 3 Section

State of Kentucky Crittenden County On the tenth day of August 1852 personally appeared Benjamin Belt (to me well known who I certify is a man of veracity and made oath in due form of law that he is the administrator of Hugh Morrison dec?d late of said County & State & made the following Declaration in order to obtain for the children of the said Hugh Morrison the benefit of the provisions of the Act of July 4, 1836, 3 Section

That the aforesaid Hugh Morrison was the only surviving child and heir at law of Patrick Morrison who was a Captain in the Revolutionary War from the State of North Carolina, and served for about four years, and was under the command of General Rutherford, and enlisted at an early period of said War say about 1776, when he was taken prisoner, all of which facts of course dec?d _______ cannot state of his own knowledge, but states as his heard them related by Hugh Morrison dec?d and others-
That about the year Seventeen Hundred and sixty nine (1769) the above named Patrick Morrison intermarried with Ann Foster in Rowan County, North Carolina, where he lived when he entered the service, that after the close of the war Patrick & Ann Morrison removed from North Carolina to Tennessee & finally settled in Wilson County Tennessee where they continued to live together as man & wife & were to aforesaid recognized until the 16th day of July 1833, when he, Patrick Morrison died, that his wife Ann Morrison survived him & continued his widow ?until the 20th day of September 1838 when she died and left but one child and heir at law to wit; Hugh Morrison above named & who was the only surviving child & heir at law of Patrick & Ann Morrison dec?d, and who survived until the 16th day of April 1852 when he died, in Crittenden County, Kentucky, leaving two children and no others, who are his only children and heirs at law, he leaving no wife at the time of his death, his children’s names are Ann Morrison & Martha F. Morrison, and reside in Crittenden County Kentucky and that the declare ant prays that the pension due Hugh Morrison deceased be allotted paid To ___ ___ Administrator for the benefit of the above named children.

Sworn & Subscribed before me Benjamin Bolt

the day signed above witness

James W Wilson


So according to Hugh, a son of Patrick, Patrick served in the North Carolina line, there is no mention of a first wife or children from a first marriage.

Unfortunately only 2 sons, Hugh & William has been identified with descendants, but Hugh is not named as a son of the Patrick Morrison mentioned as being from Tuckahoe, Scotland, and likewise David is not ever mentioned as a son of the Patrick Morrison of Rowan Co., NC and later Wilson Co., TN.

Conclusion: We believe there is enough to evidence to make the case that there were two individuals with the name Patrick Morrison.

  • One (Morrison DNA Project – Group H) from Tuckahoe Scotland, settled in Virginia married an Elizabeth Schmidt or Smith and possibly went to Hawkins County, TN. At least one son James did.  – Not from our line
  • The other (Morrison DNA Project – Group Q) Patrick Morrison was the son of William & Margaret (Hayes) Morrison of Rowan County NC, married an Ann Foster in Rowan Co., NC and removed to Wilson County, TN.  – From our line

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