FAQ – Can I find out if I match anyone in the Morrison-Q Group with an Autosomal DNA test?

Family Tree DNA offers the Family Finder test that compares your autosomal DNA to that of other people in their database who have also taken the test.  If two people share identical segments of DNA, they may share a recent ancestor.  When the Family Finder program finds matching segments, it determines if the segments are Identical by Descent (IBD).  If they are determined to be IBD (segments contains at least 500 matching SNPs), the Family Finder program calculates the relationship based on the shared segments’ number and size.  Because the amount of DNA you share with an ancestor decreases by an average of 50% with each additional generation, you may not find many current Morrison-Q members in your Family Finder list of matches if your common ancestor is more than five generations in the past.

Rene Bryson, one of our members, is heading up a Morrison-Q Autosomal DNA Project to compare the results of all the Morrison-Q members who have taken an autosomal DNA test.  In order to make this project as successful as possible, we are encouraging as many members as possible to participate.  Your raw DNA data will need to be uploaded into GEDmatch.com, a free third-party website used to compare autosomal DNA kits from a variety of testing companies.  Please contact Rene at her email address for any additional questions:  renebryson@gmail.com

How to download Raw DNA from FTDNA and upload Raw DNA to GEDmatch.com

How to download Raw DNA from Ancestry and upload Raw DNA to GEDmatch.com

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