FAQ – What should I do if I’m having password problems?

  • Initially – when a member registers they will receive a username and password via email.  A member may change their password at anytime by going to their user profile page.
  • Lost or forgotton password:
    1. From home page select “Log in” link under the “Site Access” menu
    2. Select “Lost your password” link
    3. Enter your username or email, then select “Get New Password” button
    4. You will shortly receive an email with a subject line – [Morrison-Q.com] Password Reset
    5. Select the link at bottom of message to have your password reset
    6. You will soon receive another email with a subject line – [Morrison-Q.com] Your New Password
    7. The email will contain your new password.  This password will be very cryptic.  You are encourage to select and copy the password and paste it in as you log in – passwords are uppercase and lowercase sensitive.  Once you log in you are then encouraged to change your password to one that is easier to remember.

If you still are having problems please initiate contact via our Contact page and we will assist you with your problem.

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