Comments from some of our 2015 Morrison-Q Gathering participants:
I find it surreal when I consider it has only been 5 years since a mere five of us planned a meeting to take place in Lancaster County, PA. We had been talking of meeting for quite some time – but it finally came to fruition in September of 2010. It was during this time of research, fellowship, and planning that the idea of Morrison-Q was born. Soon a logo and WEB site were created and a discussion group was formed. Cousins from all over the country were finding us and joining in the vision. What became our first annual Gathering was soon followed by a second, third and more.
Some may say it was coincidental – but, I say it was providential – John and his wife Sue represented the line of Thomas, Jean represented the line of William, Jim represented the line of Andrew, and I represented the line of James. I believe that historic gathering was probably the first time in over 250 years all four immigrant brother lines were again united in the land that became our first American home. To commemorate the event I commissioned Jim Morrison (Q12) to paint a picture, which I call “Reunion”, a visual record depicting the four descendants who first gathered, spawning what we now call Morrison-Q. You can see a photo below of us posing with the painting.
Our 2015 Gathering was very gratifying. We have come a long way in just five years. I can’t wait to see what another five years will bring. As you read the many accounts of this year’s gathering – it’s hard not to be proud to be part of such a vast and wonderful family! Thank you to the 21 participants who added depth to the discussions and warmth to the fellowship! May these testimonies that follow encourage more of our kin to join us next year.
Coit Morrison – SC – J2bb – Q1
I was so thrilled to meet so many of my relatives at this gathering. I learned so much in the short time I was able to participate. I thank everyone for being so warm and welcoming. I do want to participate in more gatherings. However, I may not be able to stay in the same house setting due to my inability to tolerate heat and most people heat their homes warmer than I do. This is not a problem for me to stay in a hotel or somewhere else and participate in everything. I do look forward to learning more and doing some research with my brother. We enjoy this. Thank you all again!
Vicki Morrison – NC – T1aa – Q102
I enjoy these gatherings mostly because I get to know my cousins a little better and meet ones I’ve heard about yet not met yet and get to know them too. I also love to hear the fascinating stories of our ancestors of how and why they made their way to the “New World” and then on down to NC. And the meeting location is ideal, at least for me.
Dave Morrison – NC – T1aa – Q3
Well, what a weekend! By my count, 12 Morrison cousins (counting myself), maybe more. And spouses. Two of you my 6th cousins, the rest apparently 7ths. And all with a common interest, including an interest in sharing knowledge. The depth and breadth of the discussion sessions were staggering. John’s presentation on migrations was fascinating. I enjoyed them all. I was constantly developing threads of thought that will impact my thinking and studies well beyond the Morrison connection. That connection for me is through my 2X great grandmother, Elizabeth Agnes Morrison, daughter of Thomas (Hog) Morrison, so I expected the DNA presentations to be of little interest. Wrong! My 1stcousins on my mother’s side will be meeting in mid-September, and my wife Mary Lee is asking what on earth we will talk about for 3 days. Well, DNA, of course. The main things I learned about DNA are that I need to know more about how to mine for info about it and that it will be interesting to see just how that info might be applied. The house where we met gave no problems that I was aware of (it was well located and accommodating) and the food was great. As for Gatlinburg, it just isn’t what it was 60 years ago (to some that might be a good thing). But then, no place else is either. The best part of the Gathering? You folks. I saw a sign in a shop there: “I’m smiling because you are my brother, and I’m laughing because there is nothing you can do about it!” Well, I’m smiling because my wife and I were well received, and I’m laughing because you’re not only kin, I count you now as friends. We’ll be seeing you all again, soon.
David Bagwell – TN – J1da – Q74
One of the best things that resulted in my doing genealogy on my Dad’s family, is learning about an ever expanding extended family. I have had the pleasure in meeting cousins that I never knew existed, such was the case in my going to Gatlinburg this past week. I got the chance to meet 7 new cousins, as well as enjoying 8 cousins that I have known for years. It seemed like we all were saying our goodbye’s way to soon. In the 30+ years I have been doing my genealogy I cannot even guess the exact number of cousins I have met, many like this in person, and many more through correspondence. But with each one, they have enriched my life immeasurably. I look forward to our next get together.
Jim Morrison – IL – A3ab – Q12
This, as well as I can remember, was our fifth gathering; the others were in 2010 (Pennsylvania), 2012 (Allison Woods, in Iredell County), 2013 (Chesterfield, Mo), and 2014 (NC Outer Banks). From an initial attendance of 5, we reached 21 this year. That increase in attendance, alone, is most gratifying to me and reflects our growing Morrison-Q membership and interest in our common line of ancestry. For this, we should all be grateful for the untiring efforts of Coit Morrison. Other than the abundance of tourists and heavy traffic within Gatlinburg and its approaches, Gatlinburg is a good place for our gathering. It is close to the majority of our membership, offers many places to stay, and has attractions for those who want to spend some time being tourists. For those farther away, and I am one of the farthest, Gatlinburg is four or five hours closer to home than other places in North Carolina. Whatever disadvantages that Gatlinburg and its surroundings have are eliminated when staying in rental houses away from the main drag, eating meals there, and concentrating on fellowship and subjects of genealogical interest. In addition, Gatlinburg is “just over the hill” for those who need or want to add in some family history research. Gatlinburg was a good choice for a meeting place and I am glad it will be the site of our 2016 gathering. Fellowship has always been, to me, the outstanding feature of our gatherings. This year, we had eight present who had not attended a previous meeting of this type. Of our total of 21, four were young folks. I was very happy to welcome David Morrison back this year and to meet Richard’s daughter and granddaughters (yes, Lisa, from my perspective you are one of the young folks). As a representative of the elder group, I was pleased to see members of our younger generations present and hope to see them continue to come and learn about our family heritage and history. It was a pleasure to meet the Bagwell’s as well as Richard’s family, Vickie Morrison, and Tom Akers, all of whom had not been present with us in the past. Throughout our time together, I was conscious of people getting acquainted and reacquainted, engaging in earnest side discussion, laughter and joking, directing their attention to items of common interest, and generally enjoying the company of other people. As always, our presentations were timely and interesting. I was especially interested in the presentations made by Coit and Rene about Y and autosomal DNA. I am learning more and more about the uses of DNA to enhance our research and understanding of relationships. Both are difficult subjects for me to understand and each iteration is helpful. Thanks to both of them for presenting complicated subjects and helping me to better understand them and their applications. Coit has mentioned that we ought to have two houses close together next year; that ought to help us with additional places for presentations and means to have “break out” sessions that are of specific interest to smaller groups of people. I would like to attend a session for writers of family history, one devoted specifically to practical, uncomplicated methods for annotating source documents.
John & Sue Morrison – MO – T1cg – Q7
With our Morrison-Q Group gathering now behind us, and hearing an expression of support for a “Same time, next year” repeat gathering, I know several of us have begun again to conquer our research brick walls as well as working on brick walls for some of our Q cousins who are blocked in a more recent generation than the four brothers. The opportunity to meet more of our cousins and spend time infused a great spirit of camaraderie to our three plus days together in Gatlinburg. We learned more about the Morrison Y-DNA, and the many autosomal matches among those who have been tested. Rene’s presentation brought us all up a couple more rungs on the “understanding” ladder. I encourage all of you who have not entered this arena to do so as soon as you can. If you are not a Y-line Morrison, the results of autosomal testing will bring you right into our relationships. If you are a Y-line Morrison, this testing will identify other potential matching lines.
We closed our collective time together with dinner at the Apple Barn Restaurant in Pigeon Forge, and its’ delicious fried chicken was seen on many plates around the long table. Big thanks to Terry Bryson, Rene’s husband who volunteered to be our resident photographer and videographer. They plan to make the images available – after the details of putting their house on the market and moving to the mountains are in order.
With a big thanks to Coit for planning our time together, and a wish that all of you can join us next time, I hope to see some of y’all in September at the luncheon gathering over Labor Day. I am anxious to hit the road again. This time without the rain and floods…
Jean Morrison – OH – W3cf – Q5
It was a huge …
S – Size more than doubled in attendees from 2014 (10 persons to 21 persons)
U – Unity in spirit to work together
C – Common goals to learn about our Morrison ancestors
C – Created a family bond between us
E – Exceptional presentations
S – Shared a love for genealogy, history and family
Hope even more Morrison-Q members are able to share this experience next year!
Rene & Terry Bryson – NC – T1aa – Q38
Those who attended our 2015 Morrison-Q Gathering:
- Coit Morrison – J2bb – Q1
- Dave Morrison – T1aa – Q3
- Jean Morrison – W3cf – Q5
- John Morrison – T1cg – Q7
- Sue Morrison – Wife of Q7
- Jim Morrison – A3ab – Q12
- Richard Morrison – A3aa – Q35
- Gloria Morrison – Wife of Q35
- Rene Bryson – T1aa – Q38
- Terry Bryson – Husband of Q38
- Tom Akers – W??? – Q57
- David Bagwell – J1da – Q74
- Mary Bagwell – Wife of Q74
- Jolette Morrison – J2ca – Q75
- Milton Morrison – W3bc – Q80
- Catherine Morrison – Wife of Q80
- David Morrison – W3bc – Q91
- Vicki Morrison – T1aa – Q102
- Lisa Anne Morrison Lance – A3aa – Q104
- Megan Lance – Daughter of Q104
- Ali Lance – Daughter of Q104
Participants lodged in the house, a condo, and 3 hotels – all very close by.
The following is a rough outline of the weekend:
- Thursday July 16
- Arrive – settle into your accommodations
- 6:30 – Supper at Host house
- Afterwards – informal time of fellowship and discussions
- Friday July 17
- Morning – free time for sleeping in, breakfast, visiting local attractions (I will be at the host house – all are welcome to come and “hang out” at any time)
- 12:00 – Lunch at Host house
- Afternoon topics, questions, and discussions at Host house
- 6:00 – Supper at Host house
- Resume topics, questions, and discussions at Host house
- Saturday July 18
- Morning – free time for sleeping in, breakfast, visiting local attractions (I will be at the host house – all are welcome to come and “hang out” at any time)
- 12:00 – Lunch at Host house
- Afternoon topics, questions, and discussions at Host house
- 6:00 – Supper – go to a local restaurant together
- Resume topics, questions, and discussions at Host house
- Sunday July 19
- Pack up and depart…
- The Burke County Morrison Family (John)
- The Morrison Migration (John)
- The Virginia Morrison Family (Jim)
- Is there room for stories and family tradition in genealogy? (Jim)
- Autosomal DNA (Rene)
- How to navigate the US Census – and a practical application (Jean)
- BigY & Yfull (Coit)
- Ancestor Profiles (Coit)
- Our WEB Site (Coit)
- Morrison-Q Strategy…
Thank you, Terry Bryson for the photography and video work – but, you forgot to take a picture of yourself!
David Bagwell, Jolette Morrison, Dave Morrison, Jean Morrison
John Morrison, David Bagwell, Jolette Morrison, Dave Morrison, Rene Bryson, Catherine Morrison, Milton Morrison
Tom Akers, Jim Morrison (at table), Coit Morrison, Jean Morrison, John Morrison (in huddle), David Morrison (standing)
Catherine Morrison, David Morrison, Milton Morrison
Richard Morrison, Sue Morrison, Tom Akers
Clockwise – starting at door: Jean Morrison, Coit Morrison, Dave Morrison, Richard Morrison, Sue Morrison, Tom Akers, Rene Bryson, David Morrison, Vicki Morrison, David Bagwell, Jolette Morrison, John Morrison, Jim Morrison
Jolette Morrison, John Morrison, Coit Morrison, Jim Morrison, Dave Morrison, Rene Bryson
David Bagwell, Mary Bagwell, John Morrison, Tom Akers
Ali Lance, Richard Morrison, Megan Lance, Lisa Lance, Gloria Morrison
Catherine Morrison, Milton Morrison, David Morrison Jolette Morrison, Rene Bryson, John Morrison, Jean Morrison, Coit Morrison, Dave Morrison, Jim Morrison, Sue Morrison, Tom Akers
Coit Morrison, John Morrison, Jean Morrison, Jim Morrison posing with “First Gathering” by Jim Morrison
Photo from 2010 Gathering used as subject for “First Gathering” painting