Morrison-Q Y-DNA Project

The DNA testing company we use is Family Tree DNA.  We have been encouraging our members to order as many markers as possible when ordering the Y-STR DNA test – ordering 37 markers as a minimum, ordering 67 or 111 makers if funds allow.

BUT – lately we have begun to see more benefit in the newer Y-SNP DNA test Family Tree DNA calls the Big-Y. So, currently we are encouraging members to purchase a 37 markers Y-STR DNA test first (one will need to have a Y-STR DNA test before they are able to order a BIG-Y)  – then, wait to see if it would be beneficial to also order a BIG-Y.

Our family has been granted our own Project Group at Family Tree DNA.  All family members are who are tested should also join the group at:

Q-Males Project

>>> How to order a Y-STR DNA Test

>>> How to order a Big-Y DNA Test

We received the “Q” in Morrison-Q by becoming the 17th (Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet) group formed in the Clan Morrison Societies Y-DNA Project.  This project contains other Morrison families than just ours. More information about the project can be found at: