Joseph A Morrison – Research Document- 5/10/2013
Family of Joseph A Morrison and wife Ann S Grange
This report is an attempt to locate death and burial information about this Morrison family and descendants; confirm correct marriage data for Mary H Morrison. Known info regarding Joseph and Ann and their family is as follows:
Joseph A Morrison was born 1 Jul 1809 in North Carolina, possibly Rutherford County or Iredell County. He married 4 Jan 1840 1 in Yalobusha County MS to Ann S Grange, born ca 1817. The minister of record was Reverend Morrison, his brother Andrew Alfred Morrison. Joseph and his wife Ann appear in the 1850 and 1860 census of Yalobusha Co. then they disappear.
1850 federal census, Yalobusha Co., MS. Joseph A Morrison with wife Ann S Morrison and children, Mary H, 8 yrs., Sarah N (H?), 6 yrs.; Joseph P, 3 yrs.; and Milton age 1 yr.
1860 federal census, Yalobusha Co. MS. Joseph A 51, Ann S 44, Mary H 18 born MS, Sarah 15 born MS, Joseph P 12 born MS, Geo 6 born MS. Apparently Milton has died by this census.
1870 federal census Grenada, West Ward, MS, Wm. M Burdeshaw born ca 1828 TN, a bookkeeper, Mary H, George A 3 yr.. Margaret 9/12 yr. Mary H Morrison married 29 May 1866 to Wm. Marion Burdeshaw, born 1828 in TN. He died 1901. NOTE: Discovered on May 3 2013, that that a Mary Elizabeth Morrison, dau of James Q Morrison, married Wm. Marion Burdeshaw. This reference was from a Yalobusha Co. G.S. Newsletter. Conflicting info here .
A Wm. Burdeshaw is recorded as 2 nd Lieut. – a POW, 29 th Regiment MS Infantry, in “Selected Records of the War Department Relating to Confederate POW 1861-1865. Hardemann TN listed as his place of residence. Mary H Morrison Burdeshaw may have died before 1873 in Yalobusha MS; a Wm. M. Burdeshaw married Lucy A Talbert in 1873 in Yalobusha MS.
1880 federal census Monroe, Ouachita, Louisiana. Joseph P Morrison born MS, father and mother born NC. with wife Susan and infant 2 yo Joseph, born TX, father born MS. Also living with them is Sarah Marshall, age 34, widow, and her son Thomas Marshall, age 8. Sallie H Morrison married Thomas F Marshall. 2
1900 federal census Marshall Ward 3, Harrison Co., TX. Joseph P Morrison Jr. born TX ca 1878. Single, Parents are Joseph. P Morrison born MS Mar 1848, Susie R Morrison, born Louisiana Sep 1855. Joseph P Jr. was a clerk at L & P Hospital, a bookkeeper.
1910 federal census Marshall Ward #, Harrison Co. TX. Joseph P Morrison Jr. single, born TX ca 1878. Father listed as HOH, mother and Elizabeth Finnen age 18 (Niece?) living with. Joseph Jr. is listed as a hospital bookkeeper.
1920 same as 1910, no Elizabeth.
1930 federal census, Lake Providence, East Carroll Louisiana. Joseph P Morrison, single, agent, life insurance.
Inquiries invited
Jean Morrison
May 10, 2013
1 Wiltshire, Mississipi Newspaper Abstracts, page 183.
2 Marriage, Yalobusha MS 21 Mar 1867. E.M. Richardson officiating. Edward Fraley, bond.